

Customer Success: Zackary’s passion leads to purpose

Zack’s Workways journey is a story of finding purpose through a newfound passion.


When Zack first met Workways Employment Coach, Karen, in July 2022, he was struggling with employment and career direction. Past experience with employment providers had proved challenging for him, and given this history, Karen’s initial attempts to engage him proved difficult.


Despite his initial reservations, Zack persevered with his Workways appointments and accepted Karen’s guidance. He completed an EST course and tried various jobs, only to discover they weren’t the right fit. Seeking a fresh perspective, he participated in “back2work” sessions, focusing on motivation, lack of confidence and career exploration.


These sessions proved transformative!


Zack discovered a newfound passion for making jewellery. His demeanour shifted dramatically; his face lit up when discussing his designs, which he proudly shared during appointments. Determined to pursue this passion, Zack enrolled in the SEA program to gain business-building skills. He’s currently finalizing his financial forecasting, demonstrating his commitment and dedication.


This story exemplifies the power of finding purpose. Witnessing Zack’s transformation, from disengaged to empowered, filled Karen and the Workways team with immense pride. We eagerly await the next update on his flourishing jewellery business.